Library and Bookshop

In SprachCafé Polnisch you can visit our small Polish language library, where you can find not only books in Polish and about Poland, but also works by Polish authors in German language. You can borrow books or buy them. That includes books by authors who visit the Cafe, (If you’re lucky you might even get an autograph!) Take a look at our shop!

We are also very happy to receive and collect used books. Thank you in advance for your offerings!



Library rules and regulations

  1. The library collects books:
    • about Poland (albums, history, guidebooks, biographies etc.) in Polish and German;
    • novels and poems for adults and young adults in Polish;
    • German-language books by Polish authors;
    • children’s books in Polish and German.
  2. Books can be borrowed for a fortnight (14 days) after making a deposit in the amount of 5 Euro. A maximum of three books may be borrowed at any one time.
  3. Books borrowed from the library must be noted in the “borrowing book” along with a full name, email address and telephone number of the borrower.
  4. The opening hours of the library coincide with opening hours of the café.
  5. The library is run on a voluntary basis.

Thank you for the donated books.
We all look after them together!
Enjoy your reading!